Dear Grandma,
Thank you for always having snacks at your house and for letting me sneak bites of cookie dough from that white bowl with the blue pattern. Thank you for letting me lick from the spatula and take goodies home for later. Thank you for always waving out the big living room window when our car got to the end of the driveway.
Thank you for letting me and Lindsey play ‘Get Back to Bed’; although I’m sure it gave Grandpa a headache. Thank you for believing us when we were certain there was a wolf in the bedroom closet at your old house. Thank you for always having so many things for me to play with, books to read and an endless array of things to do every time we got together.
Thank you for your generosity over the years; I know we were each thought about each holiday, down to the little ones. Thank you for all the Kmart talks we had. I’m thankful I had that job, and that we were able to relate to each other in that way.
Thank you for your never ending support and encouragement. I drew strength on your faith in me and would not be where I am today if it were not for you. You have always been consistent in my life and I knew no matter what happened you would always be there for me. It wasn’t that I could do no wrong; but, even though I had done wrong, things were going to be okay. I would figure it out and get myself back on the right track. I am so blessed God gave me a grandma like you.
You have been here through everything; every lost tooth, every school program, every piano recital, every softball game, getting my driver’s license, first communion, confirmation, graduation, each move, and the birth of Simon. You have saw me walk with my head held high and told me you were proud, and you have saw me when I didn’t think I could take another step and then you told me I could. You have prayed for me through everything I have ever done and now I pray for you. But you see; I don’t know how to pray because I can’t imagine what my life is going to be like without you there in everything that I do. I will be okay but something will always be missing if you are not there to share every moment along with me. So I tell the Lord that I lift you up in prayer and for you to have good nights when you sleep and I thank Him for letting me have you all of these years. Then I tell Him that He knows best and I have to trust in that so I just lift you up in prayer.
Grandma, you are the strongest, gentlest, most giving person I know. I admire everything about you and I hope to carry out your same attributes. I love you so much and I would take your pain if I could.
May 21, 2011
P.S. This is the part you didn't get to read grandma. A part of me secretly hoped I wouldn't have to write it for a very long time, and I think a part of you did too. You were such a fighter and you had such strength about you, but the pain you were in on Friday was unbearable to see. I prayed for the Lord to help you, despite the fact I wanted to keep you here with me forever. I'll admit, nothing in the world seems right at the moment. You were my ray of sun on even the darkest of days, and now everything appears a little dim. My tears come so easily sometimes I wonder if they will start and never stop. However, I am so grateful that you don't have to suffer anymore, and I take comfort in knowing that I will see you one day again.
I'm going to miss our evening phone conversations the most. I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to call you already. You were my person you know; the one I could come to when I had good news to share, was frustrated about something, or really had nothing to say at all. You were made up of all things that were right and good; and it was an honor to not only be your granddaughter, but your friend.
May 21, 2011
P.S. This is the part you didn't get to read grandma. A part of me secretly hoped I wouldn't have to write it for a very long time, and I think a part of you did too. You were such a fighter and you had such strength about you, but the pain you were in on Friday was unbearable to see. I prayed for the Lord to help you, despite the fact I wanted to keep you here with me forever. I'll admit, nothing in the world seems right at the moment. You were my ray of sun on even the darkest of days, and now everything appears a little dim. My tears come so easily sometimes I wonder if they will start and never stop. However, I am so grateful that you don't have to suffer anymore, and I take comfort in knowing that I will see you one day again.
I'm going to miss our evening phone conversations the most. I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to call you already. You were my person you know; the one I could come to when I had good news to share, was frustrated about something, or really had nothing to say at all. You were made up of all things that were right and good; and it was an honor to not only be your granddaughter, but your friend.